Who Does What? Essential Museum Jobs Explained

Who Does What? Essential Museum Jobs Explained

Whether you are a passionate museumgoer or want to cooperate with an art institution, it takes time to understand how the museum staff structure works. You could have already noticed that employees in a museum or an art gallery have their own specific roles contributing to the trouble-free functioning of the entire system. Today, you have a chance to learn more about museum jobs and their peculiarities. The following information can also apply to art galleries and hence have universal importance.

Who does what? Essential museum jobs explained

Director. As in any other official institution or a private company, directors are valued for their leadership as they ensure that all museum departments run smoothly.

Curator. Curators oversee museum collections and ensure the safe display of the items. They usually specialize in specific fields and time periods.

Coordinator. Art installation services and business operations are the main responsibilities of a coordinator. These people envision the use of museum resources and often act preventively.

Registrar. This is one of the most difficult museum jobs. Registrars work in archives and are obliged to maintain all the records about fine art and antiques displayed at a museum.

Educator. You must have seen educators many times before. These are people providing you with all the necessary information about a museum collection.

Historian. Not only do historians conduct different historical researches, but they also help curators organize an art collection in a meaningful way.

Designer. The success of an art exhibition usually depends on some external factors like the quality of lighting and the organization of a venue. These are the responsibilities of a museum designer.

Conservator/Restorer. These are usually the same people guarding the integrity of items. If you break something in a museum, they will most likely need to handle it.

These are not all museum jobs, but those mentioned above are without a doubt some of the most vital ones for the existence of a museum. Don’t forget to visit museums from time to time and stay safe and happy.