How to Choose the Right Artwork Frame: 5 Actionable Tips

How to Choose the Right Artwork Frame: 5 Actionable Tips

Whenever you buy art from a gallery, the chances are high that you will get a painting without a frame. Well, if you have one, then you are in your halcyon days since art framing services are usually offered separately for the price. If not, you have to choose the right artwork frame for yourself. And here is how it is better to do so.

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3 Essential Tips Before You Buy Art from a Gallery

3 Essential Tips Before You Buy Art from a Gallery

An art gallery is considered to be the most popular and probably one of the best places where you can buy original artworks. Though it seems like there is nothing easier than buying a painting from a gallery, in fact, there are quite a few pitfalls to consider beforehand. To make your life easier, we have three most essential tips, following which you can successfully buy art from a gallery without much difficulty.

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Artifactual History Appraisal, or How to Appraise Art & Antiques

Artifactual History Appraisal, or How to Appraise Art & Antiques
Sarah Reeder on “The Probate Nation”

From the very beginning, many emerging art collectors usually set art appraisal services at naught, considering them to be unnecessary. However, the truth is that every collector is dependent on appraisal since it helps them find out the real value of art. To have a seamless collecting experience, it is essential that you work with trained appraisers who know how to appraise art and antiques accurately. If you have not found such a firm yet, our advice would be to pay close attention to Artifactual History Appraisal. What is it?

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4 Best Places Where You Can Buy Original Artworks

4 Best Places Where You Can Buy Original Artworks

Every emerging art collector wonders how to buy artworks and do not get taken in by scammers. Fraud is a usual thing in every business, and the art industry is no exception. The most fundamental anti-fraud principle that a beginner should apply is the basic ability to know where to buy original artworks. Today, we are going to introduce to you some places that might become a great source of quality art for you in the future.

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4 Factors You Should Consider When Shipping Fine Art

4 Factors You Should Consider When Shipping Fine Art

Whether you are going to organize your first exhibition or you just have to send a piece of art to your friend, you are most likely to face some problems with the shipping process. Shipping fine art has little to do with standard shipping; that is why you are going to hire a company specializing in art handling and art transportation. But before you make a deal with someone, you should know about factors influencing the entire procedure and, therefore, your shipping experience.

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