4 Best Places Where You Can Buy Original Artworks

4 Best Places Where You Can Buy Original Artworks

Every emerging art collector wonders how to buy artworks and do not get taken in by scammers. Fraud is a usual thing in every business, and the art industry is no exception. The most fundamental anti-fraud principle that a beginner should apply is the basic ability to know where to buy original artworks. Today, we are going to introduce to you some places that might become a great source of quality art for you in the future.

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4 Factors You Should Consider When Shipping Fine Art

4 Factors You Should Consider When Shipping Fine Art

Whether you are going to organize your first exhibition or you just have to send a piece of art to your friend, you are most likely to face some problems with the shipping process. Shipping fine art has little to do with standard shipping; that is why you are going to hire a company specializing in art handling and art transportation. But before you make a deal with someone, you should know about factors influencing the entire procedure and, therefore, your shipping experience.

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Organizing Your First Art Exhibition: A Brief Guide

Organizing Your First Art Exhibition

The first art exhibition is like the first date: you either succeed at it with flying colors and win the favor or fail and lose it in a jiff. Considering the importance of the first run, every emerging artist is obliged to know how to organize their first exhibition. Frankly speaking, there is much to be said in that regard, but we are going to give you a brief set of instructions so that you can grasp the idea in general and elaborate on each step when the time comes.

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5 Effective Ways to Sell Your Art Online

5 Effective Ways to Sell Your Art Online

There is no one ultimate recipe for building an art collection. Every emerging collector will irrevocably stumble across management difficulties however prepared they are. One of the daunting challenges for both artists and collectors is when you have to reject freshly bought pieces or remove items so to reanimate your private art collection. Whichever the reason, you will probably need to sell art, and knowing where and how you can do it most effectively is always the sound knowledge for your gradual success. Without further ado, let’s look at five effective ways to sell your art online.

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4 Costly Mistakes When Buying Fine Art

4 Costly Mistakes When Buying Fine Art

Whenever people plan to start collecting fine art, they normally do some research before that. Some sort of tips for emerging art collectors always work fine, but, at the same time, everybody should understand that it is not enough. By gaining some theoretical or practical knowledge on the Internet, you are making sure that everything goes as intended under the ideal conditions. Considering that such favorable circumstances are anything but real, every entry-level art collector should know more about mistakes that people often make when buying fine art. So, what are they?

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