How to Hang Art Like a Pro: 4 Unspoken Rules

How to Hang Art Like a Pro

One might wonder what is so difficult about hanging paintings or pictures? The entire process seems pretty straightforward. However, there is always a magical “but” transforming a plain task into a real pain in the neck. If you want to hang art properly and make it look harmonious and beautiful, below is the list of four unspoken rules that will help you do a good job of hanging original artworks in your home.

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Mind-Blowing Abstract Sculptures by Michael Levchenko

Abstract Sculptures by Michael Levchenko

The art world is subject to change. No matter what is produced or invented, almost everything becomes a thing of the past sooner or later. Take, for example, contemporary sculpture. It can well be described as “evocative” and “compelling.” But is “being provoking” an ultimate characteristic? That’s quite doubtful. There is always a line between a steady trend and timeless basics, and balancing between these two extremes is a real challenge. To understand what has been said, let’s look at the mind-blowing abstract sculptures by the Ukrainian sculptor Michael Levchenko.

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Showplace Luxury Art Design Vintage: A Paradise for Art Collectors

Showplace Luxury Art Design Vintage: A Paradise for Art Collectors

No matter what you are collecting, you need to know where to get precious and rare things for your collection. It’s an ultimate headache for art collectors hunting for some scarce or overly valuable collectibles. Things look even worse for newbies who only start their journeys and have no idea where to look for coveted items.

There is a limited number of decent and reliable places where you can buy all sorts of decorative arts and antiques. And today, we want to tell you about one of them — Showplace Luxury Design Vintage in New York City, a paradise for art collectors.

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5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Fine Art Storage Facility

5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Fine Art Storage Facility

In the past, art storage was quite a daunting challenge for all art collectors. With the advent of dedicated fine art storage facilities, the situation has approved a lot. Back in the day, it was hard to find an appropriate place where you can safely store your artworks. That’s one of the reasons why many pieces were either destroyed or left in a bad state so that even professional art restorers couldn’t help the situation.

Nowadays, collectors are free to choose all kinds of art storage warehouses where they can preserve their works of art for years. Since such facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technologies, you must feel perplexed. Don’t worry because now you will get to know what five questions you should ask when choosing an art storage room for your art.

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4 Elements Making Art Insurance a Must

4 Elements Making Art Insurance a Must

There is nothing easier than damaging newly bought artwork during transportation. Considering how dangerous and tricky everyday routine can be, many wonder how to avoid art shipping nightmares and protect their pieces from all sorts of lurking issues and force majeure.  Over the last decades, the answer to this question has always been art insurance, a seemingly insignificant and yet practically highly efficient feature in the modern art industry. To prove a point, let’s look at four basic elements that make insurance services a must for every artist, collector, and dealer.

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