3 Must-Have Art Consultant Skills

3 Must-Have Art Consultant Skills

The visual art has long become a global platform where artists and collectors are involved in complex market chemistry. The process of buying fine art is full of pitfalls that one can avoid only with the guidance of professional art consultants. If you want to become an art consultant, you should master several skills that will help you build a successful career.

3 must-have art consultant skills

1. Art awareness

All art consultancy services require profound theoretical skills. While the contemporary art niche is in high demand, you need to be acknowledged in many fields of art at the same time. The role of an art consultant is to help both seasoned and emerging art collectors either expand an existing art collection or create a new one. This is possible only when you have the necessary knowledge to compare different paintings or sculptures and find the most pertinent and meaningful addition to the collection. 

2. Great communication skills

Art awareness is a big plus for your career, but it is not enough. Another crucial part of your competence is communication skills. Obviously, art consultation implies the intelligent conversation between a buyer/seller and a consultant. Great communication skills will help you furnish information about artworks most explicitly.

3. Business sense

Being what is called “business savvy” is also important. Since an art consultant always cooperates with contemporary art galleries and keeps warm relationships with other consultants, it is vital to develop a business sense. In practice, it helps professionals make logic-based predictions about the direction in which the art market will go the next day or even the next hour.

These critical skills are necessary for everyone eager to exert themselves to get a career in art consulting. Good luck!